Organic Raw Cultured Butter unsalted

Tax included
Reference: D04

150g/5.3oz, Organic Raw Cream Butter, made from Fermented Raw Cream derived from 8 liters of purest milk from only grass fed cows. Free from any antibiotic and hormones, not treated with rBST. Produced in a traditional and unique way.

PLEASE NOTE: due to high demand, order limit is 1 item per US$10 total order amount


Our Organic Raw Cream Butter is produced from the Organic Raw Cream from only grass-fed cows.

Unlike in industrialized butter making proceses, our cream is collected from several milkings and therefore ages for several days and ferments for butter churning.

Butter made from fermented cream is known as cultured butter. During fermentation, the cream naturally sours as bacteria convert milk sugars into lactic acid. The fermentation process produces additional aroma compounds, including diacetyl, which makes a fuller-flavored and more "buttery" tasting product.

Synthetic Diacetyl is a chemical which is used, singly or in combination with other chemicals, to produce artificial flavors. These are mainly dairy flavors (e.g., butter, cheese, sour cream, egg, and yogurt flavors). 

If you want to see, where Synthetic Diacetyl is used and about the complications, click here
